For students in Ai Tong School, work assignments have never been more interesting. The school’s use of KooBits has made lessons more lively and engaging for them. This e-book technology enables students to create personalised books that can be shared and archived for future purposes.
With KooBits, students are able to create to combine an array of multimedia technology into one book. This means that a combination of flash, video, audio and visual can be presented on one book to provide an all dimensional learning experience. For instance, students in P6 have utilised the software in their Social Studies presentations to explain the history of Singapore. Together with Youtube videos and voice recordings, the result was an engaging walk of Singapore, from past to present.
Teachers in the Ai Tong School have also found the e-book software useful in creating lesson packages to suit the different abilities of students. With the wide range of resources available in this programme, they commented that it helps them in customizing their lesson plans to cater to the different learning pace of each class. The online platform also helped them in the collaboration and sharing of resources which enabled them to explore more angles.
Students have also brought KooBits beyond the classroom with their participation in various competitions and events. Teachers and parents were educated on National Education concepts on Total Defence Day by students using the e-book reader.
This popular school located at 100 Bright Hill Street has seen an increase in engagement of students.